Prevention of Hypersensitivity Reaction to Iodinated Contrast Media during Vascular Access Procedure
Securing vascular access is important for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis. A procedure with angiography is necessary to maintain vascular access. However, allergy to iodine contrast media (ICM) is a problem for patients. Low-osmolality nonionic ICM (LOCM) are favored due to lower hypersensitivity risks. Replacement of ICM reduces recurrent hypersensitivity reactions. Alternative methods offer viable options for patients with iodine allergies. However, each alternative presents advantages and limitations. In conclusion, a comprehensive approach involving the use of...
JKDA 2024; 7(1): 5-8
Impact of Arteriovenous Fistula on Left Ventricular Workload in Patients with Kidney Transplantation
Background: The study evaluated the impact of kidney transplantation (KT) and arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for hemodialysis (HD) on left ventricular workload in patients with KT. Materials and Methods: We enrolled kidney transplant patients who underwent preoperative HD for renal replacement therapy. Workload of the left ventricle was calculated by multiplying mean arterial pressure by cardiac output. Cardiac output was calculated from echocardiographic measurements of left ventricular outflow diameter and left ventricular time integral. We compared the changes in left ventricular workload of p...
JKDA 2024; 7(1): 12-18
Real World Outcomes of Direct Oral Anticoagulant in End Stage Kidney Disease on Dialysis
Background: Patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) are at an increased risk of both thromboembolic events and bleeding. Direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) agents has been developed as alternatives to warfarin. These medications have advantages such as a predictable anticoagulant effect, fewer drug interactions, and no need for routine monitoring of blood levels. However, their use in patients with ESKD requires consideration.Material and Methods: This study was a retrospective, observational cohort study who was treated with DOAC and warfarin for anticoagulation. Based on the common data ...
JKDA 2024; 7(1): 19-25
Vol.7 No.1
May 25, 2024
eISSN 2635-8603

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본 학술지의 명칭은 대한투석혈관학회지이며 영문으로는 Journal of Korean Dialysis Access 이다. 본 학술지는 대한투석혈관학회의 공식 학술잡지이며 1년에 2회 발행하고 그 발행일은 5월 25일과 11월 25일이다. 논문심사 및 게재 결정 원고 접수는 수시로 하고 접수일은 편집위원장에게 접수된 날로 한다. 접수된 원고는 편집위원회에서 게재 적합성에 대하여 2인 이상의 심사 위원에게 심의를 의뢰하여 그 결과에 따라 논문의 수정 보완을 저자에게 요구한 뒤 최종적으로 편집위원회에서 원고의 게재 여부를 결정한다. 심사에 통과하여 채택된 원고는 인쇄 전 1회 이상 저자에게 교정을 의뢰한다.

Journal of Korean Dialysis Access

eISSN 2635-8603
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