
Instruction for Authors

  • The official title of this journal is "대한투석혈관학회지," and in English is the Journal of Korean Dialysis Access. This journal serves as the official academic publication of the Korean Society of Dialysis Access and is issued semi-annually, with May 25th and November 25th publication dates.
  • Manuscript Review and Publication Decision: While the manuscript can be submitted at any time, the day the Editor-in-Chief receives it is the de facto "received date." The received manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board for suitability for publication and are referred to at least two reviewers for evaluation. Authors may be requested to revise or enhance their manuscript based on the evaluation results. The final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript is made by the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that have passed the review and have been accepted for publication will be sent to the authors for proofreading at least once before printing. After all author corrections are completed, the editor will perform at least one round of proofreading.
  • Submission Checklist and Submission Portal:
    1. 1) Manuscript file
    2. 2) Final author checklist and copyright agreement (in the prescribed form)
    3. 3) Submission Portal: JKDA Manuscript Submission System (
  • Publication Ownership: All publication rights pertaining to the content of the manuscript are owned by the Korean Society of Dialysis Access.
  • Manuscript Publication Fee: None
  • Offprint Charges: None
  • For other inquiries regarding manuscript submission, please contact the Editor-in-Chief.

1. Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be prepared using MS Word. Submissions in both Korean and English are acceptable.

2. Manuscript Format

  1. 1) Manuscripts should be structured in the following sequence: cover page, main text (which includes abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments of funding and conference presentations, and references), tables, and figures or photographs. Each section should be prepared on separate pages.
  2. 2) Regulations concerning the length of the manuscript and the number of references.
Category Page Limit
(Number of A4 pages)1)
Abstract Format,
Word Count
Number of Tables and Figures Number of References Keywords
Basic Original Article 15 SA2), 600 10 20 3
Clinical Original Article 15 SA, 600 10 20 3
Case Report 5 UA3),300 3 10 3
Review Article 15 UA, 300 10 20 3

1) Cover page, tables, and figures are not included in the page count.
2) SA = Structured Abstract (includes background, methods, results, conclusions).
3) UA = Unstructured Abstract.

3. Manuscript Composition

  1. 1) Manuscripts should be composed using MS Word on A4 paper in 11-point font size and arranged in two columns with left alignment. Margins of at least 2.5 cm should be left on all sides.
  2. 2) Academic terminology should be used in accordance with the lexicon acknowledged in the "Medical Terminology" published by the Korean Medical Association.
  3. 3) Medical terms for which there is no appropriate translation and proper nouns, place names, personal names, drug names, and units should be directly indicated in English.
  4. 4) In cases where a translation exists but it is difficult to convey the meaning, the original term should be written in parentheses next to the translated term the first time it is used. Only the translated term should be used thereafter.
  5. 5) When using acronyms in English, write out the full term followed by the acronym in parentheses the first time it is used, and only use the acronym thereafter.
  6. 6) Numbers should be represented in Arabic numerals, measurements should follow the metric system, and all units should adhere to the International System of Units (SI) as a principle.
  7. 7) the manufacturer, city, and country should be indicated in parentheses for equipment, reagents, and drugs.

4. Cover Page

  1. 1) The cover page must include the title of the paper, the names of all authors, and their affiliations in both Korean and English. The title, including the subtitle, should not exceed 50 characters in Korean and 100 characters in English.
  2. 2) In cases where authors have different affiliations, the primary research institution should be recorded first, followed by the others, with corresponding superscript Arabic numerals next to the names of the respective authors. Authors should be arranged according to their contribution to the paper. English names should be written as full names with the family name last, and the highest academic degree should be indicated.
  3. 3) At the bottom of the cover page, the name, affiliation, address, and contact information (telephone, fax, e-mail) of the corresponding author should be provided.

5. Abstract

  1. 1) The abstract must be written in English for both Korean and English manuscripts.
  2. 2) For basic and clinical research, the abstract should be divided into Background, Material and Methods, Results, and Conclusion, written within 600 words in Korean (or 200 words in English). For case reports and reviews, there is no fixed format, but they should be concise and not exceed 300 words in Korean (or 100 words in English).
  3. 3) Keywords: Up to three keywords should be provided at the end of the abstract. Keywords should ideally be based on the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of Medline (, and the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized.

6. Main Text

  1. 1) Original Articles: Should be structured in the following sequence: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
    • (1) Introduction: Clearly describe the background and objectives of the study.
    • (2) Material and Methods: The subjects should be from the same group, and the methodology should be appropriate for the study with clear criteria.
    • (3) Results: Only relevant results should be objectively described. When using tables, avoid repeating the contents in the text and instead focus on describing essential trends and points.
    • (4) Discussion: Describe whether the results align with the research objectives or hypothesis and emphasize any new and important observations. Compare the results with those of other researchers and describe the legitimacy and accuracy of your results. Do not list textbook-style facts that are not relevant to the study.
    • (5) Conclusion: Should be derived from the results and discussion and be consistent with the research objectives. A simple summary of the results is not allowed. However, the conclusion can be omitted if the content is summarized at the end of the discussion.
  2. 2) Case Reports: Should be structured in the following sequence: Introduction, Case, Discussion.
  3. 3) Review Articles: Should be structured in the following sequence: Introduction, Main Text, Conclusion.

7. Information on Research Funding and Conference Presentations

This information should be included between the main text and the references.

8. References

  1. 1) All references should be written in English and listed in the order they are cited in the text according to the Vancouver style.
  2. 2) Journal names should be abbreviated according to the US National Library of Medicine's journal abbreviations ( and KoreaMed's journal abbreviations (
  3. 3) All author names should be included. For items not specified in these guidelines, follow the NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (
  4. 4) The number of references should follow the guidelines in the table above.
  5. 5) Citing references in the text
    • (1) Cited references should be indicated in the text in the order of citation, using Arabic numerals in parentheses of the same size as the text.

9. Tables and Figures/Photos

  1. 1) Citation in the text: Tables and figures should be cited in the text in the order they appear, either at the beginning or the end of the sentence. E.g., "---exists (Table 1)." "---is (Fig. 1)."
  2. 2) Creating tables
    • (1) Only include necessary information in tables; they should be easy to understand without referring to the text.
    • (2) Use a single horizontal line and do not use vertical lines.
    • (3) Titles should be written at the top in sentence case, with only the first letter capitalized.
    • (4) Within the table, the first letter should be capitalized, and the rest in lowercase.
    • (5) If abbreviations are used within the table, they should be explained at the bottom. Symbols such as * † ‡ § ∥ ¶ ** should be used in this order.
    • (6) All tables should be provided on separate pages.
  3. 3) Figures and Photos
    • (1) Each figure should be submitted as a separate file, and photos should be clear in black and white or color. The editorial committee may request modifications if the quality is unsuitable for publication.
    • (2) Figure files should be in formats such as jpg, gif, tif, ppt, png, etc., and the description of each figure should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
    • (3) Pay attention to the size and resolution of the figures, as they are directly related to the quality when the paper is printed. In particular, ensure that the size of the figures is not too small.
    • (4) The resolution should be at least 600 dpi for graphs, charts, pedigrees, etc., and at least 300 dpi for halftones (CT, MRI) or color photos.
    • (5) When citing figures or photos from other papers, documents proving that permission was obtained from the original authors must be submitted.
    • (6) Descriptions of figures (Figure Legends) should be recorded clearly at the end of the manuscript so that the content can be understood.
  • For research involving human subjects, it is a principle that informed consent and approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) must be obtained. For animal experiments, it is a principle that the manuscript must explicitly state that the experiment was reviewed and approved by an International Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or an equivalent standard.
  • The review and handling process for all issues related to compliance with ethical standards, plagiarism, duplicate publication, research misconduct, and other research ethics in submitted manuscripts will follow the 'Guidelines for Publishing Ethics in Medical Journals' established by the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors ( Based on the review results, the editorial committee will decide on all matters, including cancellation of publication and notifications.
  • If there are two or more authors, they should be listed in the order of their contributions to the research and manuscript preparation. The corresponding author and the first author are responsible for manuscript revisions during the review process. An author is considered to have made a significant contribution to the manuscript if they have met the following conditions
    1. 1) Conceptualization and design of the research
    2. 2) Development of research methods and data acquisition
    3. 3) Data analysis and interpretation of research results
    4. 4) Writing and revising the manuscript
    5. 5) Supervision of the research
  • Authors are responsible for disclosing all financial matters or relationships that could influence their research. Researchers must control all stages of research, from design to result analysis. If financial supporters have the authority to control the publication rights of the author's research report, the author may decide not to publish that research paper.

Nov 25, 2024 Vol.7 No.2, pp. 35~54

Most KeyWord ?

What is Most Keyword?

  • It is most registrated keyword in articles at this journal during for 2 years.

Journal of Korean Dialysis Access

eISSN 2635-8603
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